Activity 1: Solid State Spis – Cavity QED Digital Twin#
Setup QuTiP to run on a cloud service like Google Colab or install it on your own PC.
Go through and perform the activities in QuTiP Lecture 0.
Read the background text for the NV Center Lab to understand the basics of the experimental setup.
Cavity-coupled quantum electrodynamic (QED) sensor#
Hanfeng Wang, Matthew E. Trusheim, and Dirk Englund
Resonators for electromagnetic fields in the range of 1-100 GHz are essential in a range of quantum technologies, including superconducting quantum computers, microwave-optical quantum information interfaces, as well as sensors. Here, we consider microwave cavities coupled to ensembles of electron and nuclear spins associated with nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. Following the discovery of coherent quantum dynamics of NV centers in the late 1990s, NV centers have emerged as leading quantum sensors for quantities ranging from electromagnetic fields to temperature, strain, rotation (gyroscopes), and have even been proposed for exotic schemes like dark matter detection. The key advantages of NV centers in sensing applications, over other electron spin systems, are their long coherence times and avaible optical polarization at room temperature.
Suggested reading for this laboratory on hybrid systems of microwave cavities coupled to NV spin ensembles specifically: – 1 ) E. Eisenach et al, Cavity-enhanced microwave readout of a solid-state spin sensor
– [optional] JF Barry et. al. Sensitivity optimization for NV-diamond magnetometry
– [optional] D. Fahey et. al., Steady-state microwave mode cooling with a diamond NV ensemble
– ME Trusheim et. al. A Polariton-Stabilized Spin Clock
Upon optical excitation, nonradiative decay through a spin-state-dependent intersystem crossing produces spin-state-dependent fluorescence contrast and polarize NV spin to m_s = 0 ground state. A common way for NV spin readout relies on detecting this spin-state-dependent fluorescence. However, due to the low photon detection efficiency (C~0.015) for NV ensemble, the NV magnetic sensitivity is limited by the photon-shot-noise-limit.
One way to solve this problem is to use NV-cavity coupling, where we couple NV centers to another system (cavity in this case) and read the NV resonance frequency by via the cavity mode.
In this module, you will learn how to simulate this system in QuTiP.
![Experimental Setup](../_images/nv-center-cavity-qed-setup.png)
Fig. 65 Experimental setup for studying quantum spins.#
Linear Regime#
Consider a case where we have a two-level system, such as a Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) center, and an excitation, for example, a cavity mode. These two systems interact with each other when their frequencies are resonant. In the spectrum, we observe the phenomenon known as anti-crossing or avoided-crossing effect, which occurs when the energy levels of the two systems approach each other closely but do not actually cross.
From Wikipedia: In quantum physics and quantum chemistry, an avoided crossing (sometimes called intended crossing, non-crossing or anticrossing) is the phenomenon where two eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix representing a quantum observable and depending on N continuous real parameters cannot become equal in value (“cross”) except on a manifold of N-3 dimensions.
![avoided crossing](../_images/adiabatic-states-linear-field.png)
Fig. 66 Avoided crossing of \(\ket{\phi_1}\) and \(\ket{\phi_2}\)#
This is the simplest case where we did not add the information about two-level system and the cavity mode. For example, the two-level system should have linewidth and cavity mode should have inherent loss. The question now is: how we paramitrize the system with those real conditions?
The next code set is a good example to set it up. For details please refer to Erik’s paper in the prelab.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import HBox, VBox
from IPython.display import display
%matplotlib inline
g0_in=(0.01, 1.),kc0_in=(1., 1000.),kc1_in=(1., 1000.),ks_in=(1., 1000.))
def runFunc(g0_in=0.01, kc0_in = 70, kc1_in = 111, ks_in = 308):
kc0 = 2*np.pi*kc0_in; #kHz Cavity linewidth
kc1 = 2*np.pi*kc1_in; #kHz Cavity-loop coupling (output coupling)
ks = 2*np.pi*ks_in; #kHz Spin coherence time
density_NVs = 5; #PPM Density of NV centers in the diamond, given in ppm
diamondDensity = 1.76e29; # atoms/m^3 Atomic density of diamond
density_NVs_SI = density_NVs*1e-6*diamondDensity; # NV/m^3
diamond_sample_dim_x=3e-3; # m Diamond spatial dimensions, assuming cuboid
diamond_sample_dim_y=3e-3; # m
diamond_sample_dim_z=0.5e-3; # m
diamond_sample_volume = diamond_sample_dim_x*diamond_sample_dim_y*diamond_sample_dim_z;
N_NVs= density_NVs_SI*diamond_sample_volume ; # the number of NVs in the diamond
g0 = g0_in*1e-3; #kHz Coupling strength for single spin, see referenced papers
geff = g0*np.sqrt(N_NVs); # Total coupling scales as sqrt(N)
kc = kc0 + kc1; # Total cavity loss
xnum = 101; # number of points to plot in x
ynum = 121;
# initialize sweep parameters
wdc = np.linspace(-0.8,0.8,num=xnum)*1e3*2*np.pi; #kHz Detuning of the probe frequency and cavity frequency
wsc = np.linspace(-7.4,7.4,num=ynum)*1e3*2*np.pi; #kHz Detuning of the spin frequency and cavity frequency
# initialize output ararys
inphaseOut = np.zeros((xnum,ynum));
quadratureOut = np.zeros((xnum,ynum));
for ii in range(xnum):
for jj in range(ynum):
wds = wdc[ii]-wsc[jj]; #drive-spin detuning
# Cavity reflection signal from references
refOutput = -1 + kc1/(kc/2+1j*wdc[ii]+pow(geff,2)/(ks/2+1j*wds));
inphaseOut[ii][jj] = np.real(refOutput); # In-phase part of the cavity signal
quadratureOut[ii][jj] = np.imag(refOutput); # Quadrature part of the cavity signal
y, x = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-7.4,7.4,num=ynum), np.linspace(-0.8,0.8,num=xnum),)
fig, figAxes = plt.subplots(2,2,sharex='all', sharey='all')
ax1 = figAxes[0,0];
ax2 = figAxes[0,1];
ax3 = figAxes[1,0];
ax4 = figAxes[1,1];
c = ax1.pcolormesh(y, x, quadratureOut)
ax1.set_title(r'Q$ = \text{Im}[\Gamma]$')
#ax1.set_xlabel('fsc (MHz)')
ax1.set_ylabel('fdc (MHz)')
fig.colorbar(c, ax=ax1)
c = ax2.pcolormesh(y, x, inphaseOut)
ax2.set_title(r'I$ = \text{Re}[\Gamma]$')
#ax2.set_xlabel('fsc (MHz)')
#ax2.set_ylabel('fdc (MHz)')
fig.colorbar(c, ax=ax2)
c = ax3.pcolormesh(y, x, np.sqrt(pow(quadratureOut,2)+pow(inphaseOut,2)))
ax3.set_title(r'P$ = |\Gamma|$')
ax3.set_xlabel('fsc (MHz)')
ax3.set_ylabel('fdc (MHz)')
fig.colorbar(c, ax=ax3)
c = ax4.pcolormesh(y, x, np.arctan( np.divide(quadratureOut,inphaseOut)))
ax4.set_title(r'$\phi = \arg(\Gamma)$')
ax4.set_xlabel('fsc (MHz)')
#ax4.set_ylabel('fdc (MHz)')
fig.colorbar(c, ax=ax4)
Nonlinear Regime#
Now, we have a good understanding of the anti-crossing feature in NV-cavity coupling. However, this knowledge alone is not sufficient. Let’s delve deeper into the issue.
In the schematic of the setup, there are actually three components: the NV center, the cavity mode, and an antenna designed to detect the cavity mode. It is crucial to couple the antenna with the cavity mode to facilitate detection. This raises a question:
Why can’t the antenna couple with the NV system directly?
The answer is that it indeed can couple with the NV system, but only when the input power to the antenna is sufficiently high. Consequently, we are dealing with a tripartite system. To analyze this system, we employ a semiclassical model to solve the Maxwell-Bloch equations for the hybrid system.
Here we do not expand the details for the derivation about the Maxwell-Bloch equations because it is too complicated and beyond the scope of our course. If you are really interested in the whole process, please ask the TA.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Constants and Parameters
Gamma = 330e3 # Inhomogeneous linewidth
gammao = 33e3 # Optical polarization rate
gamma = 2e3 # Homogeneous linewidth
kc1 = 130e3 # Intrinsic cavity linewidth
kc = kc1 + 130e3 # Total cavity linewidth
gs = 0.019 # Single spin coupling strength
Power = -10 # Input MW power
alpha2 = 10**(Power/10) * 1e-3 / (6.626e-34 * 2.87e9 * kc1)
geff = 0.2e6 # Total coupling strength
omega = 0
wdc = np.linspace(-0.8, 0.8, 1001) * 1e6
wsc = np.linspace(-4.65, 4.65, 1001) * 1e6
# Initialize array for results
ref = np.zeros((len(wdc), len(wsc)), dtype=complex)
# Main calculation loop
for ii in range(len(wdc)):
for jj in range(len(wsc)):
wds = wdc[ii] - wsc[jj]
integ1 = 2 * ((gamma + gammao) + (gamma + gammao) * Gamma / np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2) - 2j * wds) / \
((Gamma + np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2))**2 + 4 * wds**2)
integ2 = 2 * ((gamma + gammao) + (gamma + gammao) * Gamma / np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2) - 2j * (wds + 2.1e6)) / \
((Gamma + np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2))**2 + 4 * (wds + 2.1e6)**2)
integ3 = 2 * ((gamma + gammao) + (gamma + gammao) * Gamma / np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2) - 2j * (wds - 2.1e6)) / \
((Gamma + np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2))**2 + 4 * (wds - 2.1e6)**2)
integ = integ1 + integ2 + integ3
ref[ii, jj] = -1 + kc1 / (kc / 2 + 1j * wdc[ii] + geff**2 * integ)
# Plotting
plt.imshow(np.abs(ref)**2, extent=[wsc[0] / 1e6, wsc[-1] / 1e6, wdc[0] / 1e6, wdc[-1] / 1e6], aspect='auto', origin='lower')
plt.clim(0, 1)
plt.xlabel(r'$(\omega_s-\omega_c)/(2\pi)$ (MHz)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel(r'$(\omega_d-\omega_c)/(2\pi)$ (MHz)', fontsize=14)
plt.title(r'$|\Gamma|^2$', fontsize=14)
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 31
28 wds = wdc[ii] - wsc[jj]
29 integ1 = 2 * ((gamma + gammao) + (gamma + gammao) * Gamma / np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2) - 2j * wds) / \
30 ((Gamma + np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2))**2 + 4 * wds**2)
---> 31 integ2 = 2 * ((gamma + gammao) + (gamma + gammao) * Gamma / np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2) - 2j * (wds + 2.1e6)) / \
32 ((Gamma + np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2))**2 + 4 * (wds + 2.1e6)**2)
33 integ3 = 2 * ((gamma + gammao) + (gamma + gammao) * Gamma / np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2) - 2j * (wds - 2.1e6)) / \
34 ((Gamma + np.sqrt(4 * 3 * gs**2 * alpha2 / gammao * (gammao + gamma) + (gammao + gamma)**2))**2 + 4 * (wds - 2.1e6)**2)
35 integ = integ1 + integ2 + integ3
length = 2000000 # Length of the signal
fs = 200e3 # Sampling frequency in Hz
white_noise = np.random.randn(length)*1e-6
t = np.arange(length) / fs
sine_wave = 0
for ii in range(10):
sine_wave = sine_wave + 1e-7* np.sin(2 * np.pi * 60 * t * (ii+1)) * 1/2**ii
# sine_wave = 1e-7* np.sin(2 * np.pi * 60 * t) + 0.5e-7* np.sin(2 * np.pi * 120 * t) + 0.25e-7* np.sin(2 * np.pi * 180 * t);
fft_result1 = np.fft.fft(white_noise+sine_wave)
frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(length, d=1/fs)
frequencies[0] = 1e-6 # Avoid division by zero
scale_factor = 1 / np.sqrt(np.abs(frequencies))
fft_result2 = scale_factor
modified_fft = (fft_result1 + fft_result2*1e-1);
flicker_noise = np.fft.ifft(modified_fft).real
final = flicker_noise - np.mean(flicker_noise)
plt.title('Noise', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('Sample', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)', fontsize=14)
from scipy.signal import periodogram
frequencies, psd = periodogram(final, fs)
plt.plot(frequencies, np.sqrt(psd))
plt.title('Noise by frequency', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('Frequency', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Amplitude', fontsize=14)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Amplitude')
Exercise 1:#
Now we have the signal and noise model. We provide a perfect plot of the signal below. Please generate one with the noise incorporated and plot it below the perfect signal for comparison.
# Part 1
# Let's consider a 1D plot first.
kc0_in = 70
kc1_in = 111
ks_in = 308
kc0 = 2*np.pi*kc0_in; #kHz Cavity linewidth
kc1 = 2*np.pi*kc1_in; #kHz Cavity-loop coupling (output coupling)
ks = 2*np.pi*ks_in; #kHz Spin coherence time
density_NVs = 5; #PPM Density of NV centers in the diamond, given in ppm
diamondDensity = 1.76e29; # atoms/m^3 Atomic density of diamond
density_NVs_SI = density_NVs*1e-6*diamondDensity; # NV/m^3
diamond_sample_dim_x=3e-3; # m Diamond spatial dimensions, assuming cuboid
diamond_sample_dim_y=3e-3; # m
diamond_sample_dim_z=0.5e-3; # m
diamond_sample_volume = diamond_sample_dim_x*diamond_sample_dim_y*diamond_sample_dim_z;
N_NVs= density_NVs_SI*diamond_sample_volume ; # the number of NVs in the diamond
g0 = g0_in*1e-3; #kHz Coupling strength for single spin, see referenced papers
geff = g0*np.sqrt(N_NVs); # Total coupling scales as sqrt(N)
kc = kc0 + kc1; # Total cavity loss
xnum = 501; # number of points to plot in x
ynum = 501;
# initialize sweep parameters
wdc = np.linspace(-0.8,0.8,num=xnum)*1e3*2*np.pi; #kHz Detuning of the probe frequency and cavity frequency
wsc = np.linspace(-7.4,7.4,num=ynum)*1e3*2*np.pi; #kHz Detuning of the spin frequency and cavity frequency
# initialize output ararys
inphaseOut = np.zeros((xnum,ynum));
quadratureOut = np.zeros((xnum,ynum));
for ii in range(xnum):
for jj in range(ynum):
wds = wdc[ii]-wsc[jj]; #spin-cavity detuning
# Cavity reflection signal from references
refOutput = -1 + kc1/(kc/2+1j*wdc[ii]+pow(geff,2)/(ks/2+1j*wds));
inphaseOut[ii][jj] = np.real(refOutput); # In-phase part of the cavity signal
quadratureOut[ii][jj] = np.imag(refOutput); # Quadrature part of the cavity signal
plt.title(r'$\omega_{d} = \omega_{c}$', fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel(r'Spin-cavity frequency detuning $\omega_{s} - \omega_{c}$ (MHz)', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(r'In-phase component of $\Gamma$', fontsize=15)
# Part 2
# Now you have a perfect signal, could you add noise here?
## Please add your code here
Text(0, 0.5, 'In-phase component of $\\Gamma$')
Exercise 2:#
Now assume we have a test field \(B_t\), could you generate a \(B_t\) in the digital twin? Decrease the amplitude and see what is the minimum test field \(B_t\) you can measure in the digital twin.
Hint: Look at how the quadrature component of \(\Gamma\) changes with magnetic field (which changes the spin frequency to be slightly different from the cavity frequency). When is this change larger than the average noise?
## Add your code here
Minimum detectable magnetic field#
Here is the sensitivity analysis for cavity-coupled sensor. In the ideal case, the spin-projection-limit sensitivity is propotional to the inverse of the square root of the number of spins (N). However, the NV decoherence time and dephasing time will decrease during the increase of the NV number. Therefore, the sensivitity will decrease sharply in the large-N regime. The script below calculated the spin-projection-limit sensitivity and photon-shot-noise-limit with different number of spins.
The script below also include the cavity-coupled spin sensor. The scale of the sensitivity in the low-N regime is linear with the 1/N rather than 1/sqrt(N), which offers the possibility for this sensor to go below the spin-projection-limit sensitivity.
Delta = 2e6;
f = 0.1;
Sphi = 1e-9; # phase noise
Q = 3e4; # Quality factor
hbar = 1.05e-34;
gs = 2;
muB = 9.27e-24;
rho = np.logspace(8,20,40)*1e6;
Tc = 1/3.3e-19/(rho*(0.95/0.05));
T2c = 300e-6;
T2 = 1/(1/T2c+1/Tc);
mu0 = 4*np.pi*1e-7;
C = 0.015;
etaB = 8 * pow((hbar/gs/muB),3) * Delta/np.pi/Q/T2 * Sphi * 1/mu0/hbar/rho *1/f * np.exp(pow((T2/T2c),3))* np.exp(T2/Tc)* np.sqrt(1+1e-6/T2);
eta = hbar/muB/gs * np.pi * np.exp(pow((T2/T2c),3))/C/np.sqrt(rho*T2) * np.exp(T2/Tc) * np.sqrt(1+1e-6/T2);
eta_proj = hbar/muB/gs * np.pi * np.exp(pow((T2/T2c),3))/np.sqrt(rho*T2) * np.exp(T2/Tc) * np.sqrt(1+1e-6/T2);
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.loglog(rho/1e6,eta*1/np.sqrt(3e-3*3e-3*0.5e-3),label='Photon shot noise limit')
ax.loglog(rho/1e6,eta_proj*1/np.sqrt(3e-3*3e-3*0.5e-3),label='Spin projection limit')
ax.loglog(rho/1e6,etaB,label='Cavity readout sensitivity')
ax.set_xlabel(r'NV Density (cm$^{-3}$)',fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel(r'Sensitivity (T/$\sqrt{Hz}$)',fontsize=14)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Sensitivity (T/$\\sqrt{Hz}$)')